You wish to carry out your first export operation of Agri-food and maritime products , and you need an accompaniment?
Officially launched in March 2017, CAP’EXPORT, the reference centre for accompanying small and medium exporters, has been made available to Moroccan operators wishing to conquer the international market.
The CAP’EXPORT Centre’s mandate is:
- Orientation of first exporters in the various export procedures,
- Support and assistance to SMEs in obtaining MOROCCO FOODEX approval,
- Information for first exporters on the conditions of access to the various markets,
- Conducting targeted and practical training on the normative and regulatory requirements demanded by the countries of destination and on quality management systems,
- Carrying out export diagnostic missions.
Thus, to develop the tools used to properly guide and inform first-time exporters, a user-friendly website project on market access conditions has been set up. The aim of this site is to inform operators about the regulatory and tariff conditions for accessing international markets. It will also provide information on the market size of the target countries.
Indeed, the site on the conditions of access will provide information for the main products exported by Morocco and intended for the main markets. Therefore, by analyzing the configuration of Moroccan agri-food exports, a list of 300 priority product/market pairs has been selected.
In this respect, the site will allow the collection, centralization and continuous updating of information on the main products exported and target markets of Morocco in order to eventually constitute a database on international markets.
In a few clicks, SMEs can check the:
- Regulatory conditions: including information on the conditions of access tariff to markets.
- Technical conditions: providing information on the standards, regulations and technical texts necessary for accessing international markets.
- Trade conditions: providing an overview of imports from the market in question and competing countries
Support procedure